I am having so much fun making these Steampunk Hearts...they really are addictive. The basic idea for these came from Christi Friesen (a wonderful polymer clay artist). I have already sold over 2 dozen of them. Steampunk jewelry seems to be really hot right now. I saw a couple of TV shows where the stars were wearing Steampunk jewelry (Ugly Betty & Ghost Whisperer).
I have been reading some controversial talk around the net about people posting things for sale and promoting their Etsy or Lollipop shops (or other venues) on their blogs, I thought it was my blog and I could put what ever I wanted on it, without having to ask for someoneelse's opinion. Hummmm???? Maybe the people that are complaining don't have other venues for selling their work, or maybe they don't want to sell their work (that's ok), or maybe they don't have any work that is worth selling (that's ok), or maybe they don't need the money (that is great). I am thinking that this is my little corner of the net and I can do what ever I want here, and you know what so can you.